Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A short break

Tomorrow, in the early dawn hours, we plan to drive down to Kerala to attend V's nephew's baptism on Saturday morning, and thereafter proceed to V's hometown in Alleppey district for a 2-day family re-union. All of f-i-l's brothers and sisters and their sons and daughters and grandsons and grand-daughters and a few great grandchildren too are expected to attend the meet at the family house. An ambitious list of programmes including sports & games have been envisioned. All meals included :) Should be winding up by Sunday night since some of us have to get back to our workplaces, though half the crowd are Gulfies enjoying their annual vacation.  I only hope the rains dont play spoilsport since this is what we call the month of Karkitaka in Kerala when each raindrop can fill a bucket.
We are back only on Tuesday night since V wants some extra time with his sis who has landed for this from Oz, and his bro and family who have come down from the UAE.
Meanwhile I worry about the kids missing 4 days of classes and 16 pages of homework (at least) and myself shunning a busy week at work.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Today, as I waited outside the crowded doctor's room since Mira had an appointment - loose stools, cough and temperature - a young mother came and sat next to me. She held a tiny baby whose even tinier legs interested Mira a lot. The mother gave me a sad smile as Mira looked at the sleeping baby in wonder. 
She asked me if this was an eye hospital. I told her it was only a paediatrician's clinic but if there was a problem with the baby's eyes he would refer them to the main hospital which had ophthalmologists. She told me her premature baby was diagnosed to be blind by a doctor. She looked at me sadly and with the hope that I would say it is not true. She had had high BP a week before its birth. As the baby stirred in its sleep and opened its eyes looking nowhere in particular, I had my doubts. It wrenched my heart too.
As they waited outside later to go to the ophthalmologist, I told her not to worry but pray. And I couldnt help praying along that the baby would be able to see the colours of the world.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Starbright, starlet

It is hardly two weeks of the new maid's stint and we are already thinking of finding another. Her attitude in general bothers us. I dont know which category to place it - arrogance, indifference or disinterest or all these
combined. She is 34, a spinster, and belongs to a family that has fallen on bad times. Her work is quick but not neat, her attitude to the kids borders on disinterest, and she spents a good part of her spare time in front of the mirror or lying down or sleeping (since TV and magazines dont seem to interest her). She skips some of the meals because she doesnt like the food or because she doesnt like any food that has been kept in the refridgerator.
When we hired her, I had half made up my mind to find a good Catholic boy, if possible, as a groom for her in future. Now V feels that she has probably not got married because she thinks she is too beautiful. Well, she is passably good-looking and has a good figure. And she has the inflexible likes and dislikes that an unencumbered (I dont want to say unmarried, if any of u find it offensive) person develops. I mean a married woman in India generally tends to make a lot many adjustments for her spouse and kids. As a professor of English once told me: The longer you stay unmarried, the more inflexible you become.
Coming back, the kids are not too fond of her. The only thing that interests Mira about her is that she has the same name as her teacher: Lydia.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Some places in TN have very interesting names. Oragadam, off Tambaram, is one such. Here are some pictures of a plot of land we are buying there as an investment. Right now, it is in the back of beyond but accessibility should improve in the coming years.
Also some villas coming up nearby. Fell in love with them.
Went there Sunday before last. The kids had a lovely time running around the estate. And running after hens, dogs, cows and goats belonging to the villagers living nearby.
Last, Mira trying out a hand-me-down gown she got today.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Our protagonist spent another day, his last, at the daycare yesterday evening. He was as reluctant to leave the company of other small kids as the proprietor was at keeping him. When I went to collect him, I didnt forget to mention to her that I hadnt come across such attitude from his school or teachers, and this was our first (from so-called cultured and educated women). The ayahs didnt seem to have a clue about the incident.
So in the night, V promised Ash that he would put him in a new playschool soon, something nice and fun.
"But what about this one?" he wanted to know.
"That is no good."
"Oh. Did they say they cant keep me because of my itching?"
Kids seem to comprehend things better than we think they do.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Yesterday night we were congratulating ourselves for having decided to send the kids back to daycare in the afterschool hours. The kids were so happy and excited, and Ash was given tuitions there (or at least made to do his homework) which was convenient for me. We wondered why we hadnt considered this option - 12.30 to 6.30 pm for Mira and 4-6.30 p.m. for Ash. Mira finished all her lunch and Ash was happy to go again and do his lessons.
But today as I dropped their lunch and snack boxes and other stuff at the place, the two ladies running the creche said the ayahs were reluctant to look after Ash because of his skin. I told them it is not contagious, just hereditary. But no luck. I pleaded with them to take tuitions at least, as I dont have time in the evenings. That they neednt give him a bath, just keep him there for the lessons.... Actually his skin is ok now save for being a little dark and itchy - it is not oozing or raw like earlier.
But I think they are worried about their business, whether other kids' parents will object etc.
It made me so upset and depressed. I still am - nothing has affected me so much in recent times. I know Ash faces a lot of discrimination and taunting, though he is too young to realise much of it - save for the ones from peers especially in the schoolvan. Or maybe he does but puts it in the back of his mind.
Like I heard him tell Mira very matter-of-factly: "So-and-so said my face is not good to look at." But the school and teachers have been kind to him so far, and protects him when they can.
Anyway, I neednt worry about who will take care of them in the afterschool hours now. I have a new maid today - 34, spinster, from family that seems to have fallen on bad times. She is a local person, but will stay with us.
p.s. The old maid's 2nd stint didnt go beyond Saturday. Good riddance to bad rubbish. :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Stay at home

Mira is getting a little upset about me going to work. Since I had taken a couple of days leave during the one week when we didnt have a maid, she kind of like the idea of having me around when she returned from school.
So even after the old maid returned, this time not as a live-in, she pleaded with me to stay at home like the mothers of some of her classmates.
"But how will we pay your fees if mummy doesnt go to work," I asked her.
"That (paying fees) is only once in a while. Why do u have to go to work everyday for that?" she retorted.

Monday, July 05, 2010


I was rushing to have a cup of coffee soon after reaching the workplace when a colleague casually asked me in the lift: Have you seen the cover?
For a moment I thought the magazine had decided to have the editorial team on the cover instead of the mugs of Prime Ministers and other politicians or some warfront scene.
He corrected: The pay cover.
Well, like many of us here I open the pay cover only to extract the tea coupon book or to check the IT cuts.
It just happened that I hadnt noticed a change in my designation. I am an assistant editor from today.
And to think I was planning to tell the boss today that I wouldnt be able to come to work any more because I didnt have a nanny for the kids.
p.s. The old maid is back in action. Beggars cant be choosers.

On April 16, we residents looked forward to another rain despite the note of caution from authorities. Seeing the rainy weather, V decided b...