Saturday, July 10, 2010

Stay at home

Mira is getting a little upset about me going to work. Since I had taken a couple of days leave during the one week when we didnt have a maid, she kind of like the idea of having me around when she returned from school.
So even after the old maid returned, this time not as a live-in, she pleaded with me to stay at home like the mothers of some of her classmates.
"But how will we pay your fees if mummy doesnt go to work," I asked her.
"That (paying fees) is only once in a while. Why do u have to go to work everyday for that?" she retorted.


Anonymous said...

Sounds logical to me.

ush said...

good luck with such questions, i was asked why i did not let them stay in day care,like the other kids!

That was a Unicef ad dialogue I heard most days on YouTube. Now it has touched my life too.  My dad has left to celebrate New Year in paradi...