Friday, October 12, 2007

Lurkers, listen!

Every day as I check Sitemeter, I wonder what all my regular readers look like. I know some faces but there are many I dont.
I know my brother reads it. He encourages me to keep writing. His wife too reads often.

My husband is an ardent supporter of my blog (but not my blogging at home) though a reluctant reader.

My cousins Renjith and Reeba read it whenever time permits. My parents have read it on a couple of occasions, but they dont have net access now.

My friend Usha is my most loyal reader, I would say.

My old pal Bino would have still been reading it regularly if she didnt have to help her sons with school homework this year.

There are friends reading from Saudi, Dubai and Romania. Or colleagues across the desk...
But I wonder who reads from Gujarat, or from many States in the US - Minnesota, California, New York, North Carolina and so on. I know who reads/comments from Fort Worth, Texas - spreading joy in the blogworld with her comments is her goal. Or Bombay Girl. Or Rustic Notes.
So if you dont mind, I'd be happy to see a picture of all of you in my inbox. Please email me at This may sound Pioneer Woman-like, but I cant contain my curiosity. But then I am the kind who reads a book from the end to the beginning.


Anonymous said...

hi, tell hubby .. ust missed the crown part in the photos..
nice photos of robs and t, bino.. also.
take care ust

Ladybird said...

:) i purposely left the crown out. i am sure bejoy would understand.

Ranjith Cherickel said...

thou hath forgotten ich!

Ladybird said...

Renjith: huh? what is ich? and i dint have ur photos to put in there :)

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