Saturday, October 13, 2007

Comedy of terrors, Act 1, Sc. 3

Enter Papa, a middle-aged, good-natured man with a receding hairline. He has bouts of fleeting bad temper but otherwise a kind-hearted fella.
The boy is eyeing the refridgerator. The subject of interest is a box of cadbury butterscotch nuggets gifted a day earlier by a visiting relative.
Boy: Papa, I want that (pointing to the freezer).
Papa: I can give you both only one each. They are tablets.
The boy finishes his chocolate pellet and asks for more.
Papa: I am sorry, I cant give you any more as it is to cure illness.
Boy (beating his head) : I have headache.
Papa: That is not for headache.
Boy: Tummy ache, papa.
Papa: That wont cure tummy aches.
Boy: Ants biting me. Itching.

The father relents and opens the chocolate box to give him another. No use telling the little boy that cocoa products will make his itching worse. It is something the parents have been trying to cut out of his diet but chocolates that fall like manna from visitors into the hands of the Boy cant be avoided.


Anonymous said...

hi, wow did v enjoy his discription.. what a clever boy knows how to trick u all up. good luck .. heeeeeeee tell papa i have all those aches i want that choc nugg meds too......

Joyismygoal said...

teehee smarty:>

dreamrunner said...

Nice antics by Ashwin! We have a friend whose son only like papad! Since they are in the UK where papad is not usually stocked in people's houses...they carry papad with them wherever they go!
try getting ashwin on papad!

Ladybird said...

he loves papad too.only he wont eat rice but just the papad, so i keep away the papad tin. He also likes salads - cucumber, onions raw.

the other romila said...

that was nice.
and the drama genre seems quite interesting.
keep keying!
:) ;)

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