Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cinderella crown

My husband's office comes up with some strange, nutty awards to pull employee's legs. For the person who slept the most on the job and some others. V was nominated for the least offensive of the awards - the Maths Wiz Award. He was given a certificate and a crown similar to the Miss Universe crown in recognition. Here's Mira wearing it (I need to get a copy of V in the crown):

V tells me that I am posting only pictures of Mira, so I plan to maintain an equilibrium after this.


Anonymous said...

hi, congrats to v. yeah would love to see his photo with crown..\

Joyismygoal said...

cutie but i bet V looks cute init too:>

Ladybird said...

He now refuses to share the photo, taken at his office, with me.

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