Boy: Amma, please carry me.
Mommy: No, you are a big boy. You may walk.
Boy (looking around worried): Noooo. (S)piderman will tweak my ears.
Mommy: I will handle Spiderman when he comes.
Boy: A vehicle might hit me on the head if I walk.
Mommy, forgetting her backpain, laughs and lifts him up. She wonders where the Boy heard about Spiderman. She has only seen him watch Tom and Jerry and Scooby Doo and Popeye on Cartoon Network. When did Spiderman enter the picture? Whatever, Spiderman seems to lord over the little boy's life now. He will whack him, pinch him or bully him if the Boy does anything he doesnt want to do.
hi, ask maid or someone from school,or neighbour he comes across. who may be telling him that.. if he does not do this.. thats what will happen!
Ash may tell u himself if u ask him about that in detail!
take care
So sweet! kids do pick up a lot of things we are unaware of. He might have seen it on TV smtime.
good scapegoat haha like Mr Nobody
I had to look who Mr. Nobody was :)
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