Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Maid woes again

Yesterday I reached home to find teh maid crying over the phone. She then came and told us that her son, who drives an auto, met with an accident and was in a serious condition. To top it her mother would die any day and wanted to see her.
The gist of the matter was that she wanted to leave IMMEDIATELY. Anyway, we have told her that we need to find a replacement before we let her go.
Today we managed to contact the previous maid and she has offered to come temporarily. We need to find a more permanent solution in 2 months' time.


Onion said...

hey roshin, just stumbled onto your blog from the link on HOF... been meaning to call - infact called but no one picked up the phone - your blog looks nice - i like the chatty style and the constant dope on ashwin and mira!!! will send you the photographs that i ve promised so often, after i get rid of the mess around me.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to ashwin!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to ashwin!!! :-)

Ladybird said...

Thanks, desmond & Farah!

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