Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Yuletide musings

My brother called from Delhi yesterday. He and Tulika flew down from London on Sunday night. They will have to work in their Delhi offices before they head for Kerala for Xmas vacation. Christmas this year promises to be exciting. My aunt from Nigeria is also coming down, so Christmas at Chandanapally may not be the tame affair it usually is.
The only excitement we usually have is the church carol service complete with a Santa Claus. A few other unauthorised carol services also make their appearanes hoping to make some fast buck. Last year Bruno chased away half a dozen boys who came with a few tins to drum on; the Santa Claus wore a red nightie, probably his mother's. It was hilarious.
Though the Christmas tree is a comparatively new addition to Christmas celebrations in Kerala, it is the twinkling paper Christmas star put up at Christian(even non-Christian) homes or shops which sets the tone for a season of cheerfulness and joy. I like the quaint old crudely handcrafted Xmas stars made with sticks and colored paper and a wicker lamp kept on a pedestal inside to light it. The carol singers come holding them.
Christmas is the time when non-resident Keralites fly home to spend Christmas with their families/relatives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Chechi,
Have been a regular reader for ur blog....get all the updates i need.Will miss the Christmas at Chandapally this time.Will speak you over the holidays.


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