Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The future bookworm

Went to Landmark in Spencer Plaza yesterday evening to look for some children's books. A colleague had advised me that I should introduce Ash to books - not just board books as I was doing but real books. He allayed my fears that kids will tear books. So I got Ash The Little Encyclopedia and Tales from the Panchathantra. The books have captured his interest, now I need to cultivate a habit of bedtime reading. My attempt yesterday was unsuccesful - he preferred to see them on his own and refused to let me take a peek. Phew!
When and How to Read to Your Toddler
Experts recommend you read to your child as often as you can and that you strive to have at least one scheduled reading time each day. Choosing regular times to read (especially before naps and bedtime) is a way to help your child learn to sit with a book and relax. But you can read anytime your child seems in the mood.
If your toddler will let you, hold him or her in your lap when you read.

Ash jealously guards the books from Mira however. Dunno if it is sibling rivalry but Ash refuses to give her any of his stuff, though a year ago he was benevolence personified.
Ash needs to develop his vocabulary too. For a preschooler he is lagging behind in the communication front. The new words in his vocabulary include naana (elephant), nena (pen), ngenga (coconut) and sitter (Sister/nun).

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