Thursday, December 07, 2006

Remembering Bhutto

Death by hanging is something that I find terribly inhuman, however heinous the crime committed by the sentenced. Reading through Khushwant Singh's account (Death at my doorstep) of Z.A. Bhutto's tryst with the hangman's noose, I couldnt help feel another bout of grief (the first was while reading about it in Tehmina Durrani's My Feudal Lord) for the flamboyant Prime Minister.
Bhutto was hanged in April 1979. I was pretty young to understand its significance then, but I did sympathise like my family for the dead man. Bhutto's death and the fall of Skylab were two major newspaper headlines from those times that I still remember. People worried that the Skylab would fall over their heads/ houses - it finally fell into the sea. The next major event was the solar eclipse in the early 80s, when we looked at a reflection of the sun in cowdung water - looking at the sun with the naked eye during an eclipse is beleived to blind you for life.
Coming back, I guess Saddam Hussein will be the next to be hanged but of course the repercussions are likely to be greater unlike in Gen. Zia's Pakistan.

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