Sunday, February 27, 2011

Magic Seven

It was Ashwin's 7th birthday on Friday the 25th - an event he has been anticipating eagerly for the past one year. He spoke endlessly about what toy he would like and what chocolates he would like to take for his friends. On the eve of the birthday he told me that Tushar had asked him for 4 chocolates, Jonathan 5 and two others 3 each. Though in the end he had only 5 Cadbury's Dairy Milk to give  his special friends after distributing in class!
Ash still thinks his birthday is for the few hours in the evening when he cuts a cake - this time again a chocolate truffle - and we sing Happy Birthday. This year we had some guests - a lil girl living downstairs, V's colleagues and Ash's tuition master.


ush said...

Nice pics, great,yummy cake..
wishing you a happy birthday.God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ash Monu
I'm so glad you had a Fantabulous Birthday..and Mira too!!
Hope this year wil bring you all the happiness and health that you can enjoy yummy cakes every day ...not every day..perhaps one /two every month.
God Bless
Love and take care
Aunty thara

ladybird said...

I will read that out to him :) This time V decided on an egg cake, so past few days his face and scalp are looking bad. HE howls like mad when we give him a bath. Being harsh on him - the lack of help makes me more of a dictator with them.
Anyway his happiness and enjoyment of the cake was enough treat for me.

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