Saturday, December 11, 2010

Season's musings

It has been a while since I wrote anything. That is because I couldnt think of anything that was worth writing about. Not that there still is, but I need to write something to keep my blog alive.
The days are getting shorter and busier as the end of the year approaches. Mira began attending school again last Monday, after one and a half months at home nursing her finger. The finger looks okay now, though a bit shorter. Ash is busy with his almost daily schedule of tests and now exams. The home tutor has taken the load off me, and Ash seems to be doing ok in Maths and Tamil. School closes for Christmas vacation on Dec 20 but we will be able to leave for Kerala only on 24th. We need to return on 31st, so the kids will be spending part of their Xmas leave here at home.
My parents return from a 3-week vacation in Kenya and Dubai on Sunday. Christmas also promises some quality time with my brother and family and V's sister and family.


ush said...

Thats great, Have a great christmas. and a prosperous new year. our wishes to the family.
take care

Ladybird said...

hi, thanks same to u!

ush said...

great back ground

ladybird said...

hi, thanks. have to change with the season :)

prem said...

Merry Christmas

Ladybird said...

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, Usha, Prem and all my blogger friends. We are taking the road to Kerala early dawn tomorrow. See you all on Dec 31, when I am back.

A song that we Kerala Syrian Christians sing only at funerals is " samayamam rathathil njan swargayatra cheyyunnu... (I travel on the...