Saturday, January 01, 2011

Welcome 2011

As each of us celebrate the beginning of another year with hope, excitement and fresh resolutions, here is wishing all of you a luckier and happier 12 months...
For a change I am not expecting anything much from this year. I attended the morning mass with a blank mind and an automated prayer for the well-being of my children, and I am at work in an inauspicious part -black sari. I cant expect this year to fare worse than the last - Ashwin's eczema flare-ups, Mira's injury and our persistent nanny troubles. No great resolutions - save an attempt to read the entire Bible as the priest advised his flock today morning.
The Christmas vacation as usual was hectic and short, with two days wasted on the travel. The remaining 5 days was spent shuttling between our parents' houses, and one day in an amusement park near Cochin. The kids absolutely loved their time with their cousins Akash, Akhil and Tarana. And the fun of getting to know dad's new labrador pup who came home the day after Christmas.
There is another new person they are getting to know - the new nanny we hired from an agency in Kerala. She seems nice to the kids but if she will last the three months till the summer vacation, I am not sure.


ush said...

happy new year and good tidings to u all too.
great to hear u all had great trip. good luck with new least u r able to find one each time.
take care

ladybird said...

It isnt too difficult to find a maid through an agency though it was our last resort as it has many strings attached. The salary is higher, then they take one month salary as commission plus you have to cough up one month salary in advance which the agent will pay the maid in the last month of their contract (and I have a feeling the agent wont give it if the maid doesnt honour her contract). If the recruit decides to leave in between, they dont always give a replacement promptly. A live-in maid has 2 days leave in 30 working days, and this one wants to go to Kerala to visit her college-going son every month. She already looks homesick.
Hope to put a post with some vacation pictures soon.

A song that we Kerala Syrian Christians sing only at funerals is " samayamam rathathil njan swargayatra cheyyunnu... (I travel on the...