Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My dove in the rain

Cyclone Laila caught us by surprise in the night. It lashed against our walls, rattled the windows and rain-soaked the clothes on the line. Waterlogged roads and the steady drizzle has meant a boom time for autorickshaw wallahs. For the rest, the spirits fluctuate.

So for the birds, which remain huddled under the branches of trees. Our dove, whom I have nicknamed Amminikutty, takes the harsh raindrops on herself while keeping her eggs warm. The eggs, which some greedy ravens are trying to snatch away from her the past few days, remain safe so far. She doesnt leave them at all, not even for a bite or drink. We had strategically positioned an umbrella to guard her from her attackers, and this has come in handy now to protect her from the rain.


ush said...

nice to see pics and greenery.
glad u can help the bird too.
God bless u

Anonymous said...

What a precious way to protect God's creations. Stay well in the rain. There have been some beautiful storms here in Bangalore as well. They're so powerful. Much love. Jen

Ladybird said...

The eggs have hatched! Saw two white baby doves today.

Roshin said...

The mother and chicks were missing yesterday. Had managed a picture day before. I hope they are safe.

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