Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chasing (away) the rains

Some days back Ash told me over the phone: "It's raining here everyday, and I am not able to play." Most evenings there are thundershowers in my rural hometown, and evenings being the only time the kids are let out to play - unlike in the olden days when we kids spent the entire day out in the yard and the fields playing all kinds of games - I can understand Ashwin's exasperation.
I advised him to sing "Rain, rain go away, Little Ashwin wants to play..." to make the rain disappear.
"Will it go away?" he asked, not believing me.
"Just try," I told him giggling to myself.
The next time I called him, he told me it hadnt worked. I told him not to bother and enjoy the rains instead. The magic of the rains is something I miss in Chennai, which is going through the agni-nakshatram phase now.

I go out for some sunshine and tea, and come across a cloudy sky instead. My heart well up with joy in anticipation of the torrential downpour that the depression in the Bay of Bengal is likely to churn.

1 comment:

ush said...

hope it gives the respite to the heat.

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