The kids left for their paternal grandparents' place today. Late by two days owing to an unforeseen mishap - on Monday morning, a somewhat poisonous snake bit my mother-in-law as she went for her morning walk at the break of dawn, and she had to be kept in the Intensive Care Unit of a local hospital for 24 hours observation. After the anti-venom injection and frequent blood tests, she was discharged yesterday.
The kids who had been clamouring for a change of scene and the trip to Changanacheri had been extremely dejected about the sudden change of
p.s. I am trying out a new nanny for the kids for a couple of days before I head for Kerala to bring the kids back. She seems desperate for a place to stay, and we are desperate for a live-in maid. Originally from Karaikudi, she is a widow who has a son who now works in Singapore. In fact, she says her mother was a Singapore citizen and considering the strength of the Tamil population there, it is not surprising. She seems polite and cultured. I hope this works.
Good to hear mil better. and About your new recruit. good luck. hope she enjoys her work.
take care
Though she officially starts work only after the kids come, I am letting her stay the nights at home as she doesnt have a proper place to stay. She was living in an acquaintance's one-room house, and sleeping on the terrace. I just feel sorry when I see her - poor thing. Anyway, I hope I can train her to be of use to us.
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