Friday, June 12, 2009

To school

Mira began school yesterday - the big school of her big brother she had always wanted to go to. The first day, V dropped her and arranged for a van pickup. Though I had wanted to accompany, Ashwin's extreme bad health meant that I had to get him ready for hospital in the meantime.

Though we had wanted her to be in Ashwin's old teacher's class, Mira has a different teacher who seems pleasant and good with the kids. V said Mira acts like a veteran, not crying at all, around 25 kids who bawl loudly and ceaselessly for their parents. For a month, they have classes only for 2 hours in the morning, so that kids get used to the environment.

And the uniform frock, which I didnt much care for, does look good on her. Maybe because she has put on some weight. She is beginning to lose the weight she gained as she has viral fever now.

And yesterday night, she was pretending to be Meena miss and teaching Ashwin, who sat on the floor while the teacher stood behind her desk (the teapoy) with an open book and a rolled up bamboo table mat!


Anonymous said...

funny, cute.. sad M is not well, sorry to hear about Ash.. its a hard thing. GOD GIVE U STRENGTH,

Anonymous said...

such beautiful photos~ Jen

marcia@joyismygoal said...

I love he little dress it is my color. How is AsH?

Ladybird said...

hi thanks everybody. Ash is getting better thanks to oral steroids. I am on leave for a month to take care of him.

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