Saturday, May 16, 2009

Temptations in yarn

Shopping to kill time can turn out to be an expensive pastime, as I discover once in a while. Today I ended up buying two saris at Tulsi Silks during the 2-hour wait to give post-prandial (after food) blood at our co. clinic. For someone like me who doesnt wear saris often, it is a wasted pastime. And just the other day V had forbidden me from stocking any more saris; I tell him to take me along whenever he attends special functions so that I get to wear them.
I am at the clinic to be doubly sure if my sugar levels are ok. The random (RBS) check the other day had been very encouraging, but if I knew my fasting glucose levels were ok, I could add a spoon of sugar to my tea every morning (right now I add half a tsp without V's knowledge :). V decides to postpone his checkup because he had attended a late-night office party. I persuade him to drop me at the hosp however.

I scan the daily and its supplements after breaking the fast after giving the fasting blood. But there is still an hour to kill...

So I decide to take a walk down that quiet locality to fulfil my "brisk walk" quota (which I have quietly abandoned in the past one month). Quite perversly, I walk towards the main road where the shops are. There is a lot of activity going on near a temple - devotees and flower sellers lining one half of the street) - and I cross the road to check if the grass is greener on the other side. Actually, there is only slush and puddles left by yesterday night's unexpected showers. The Nokia showroom has closed down (I needed a screenguard for the mobile, especially after hubby inadvertently presented the first scratch on its screen yesterday), the Archies gallery hasnt opened (so abandoned plans to buy a birthday card for the only friend who still sends greeting cards by post), and the salesgirls at Tulsi silks are still waiting outside for the shop to open.

I am their first customer for the day, and I tell myself I need to pick up something or they will curse me for spoiling their sales for the day. A superstition prevalent here.

I buy two instead of one. I hope I gave them a good start for the day!


ush said...

so how did the new yarn go..!
take care

ladybird said...

well appreciated by V :0 is b ok now? hope things are fine at ur end.
was not in a mood to write anything - we were caught up with the news of LTTE chief prabakaran's killing today. and sunday was a late day at work, finishing at 4 am on monday! took my off yesterday, and another off for tomrw :D

Anonymous said...

both saris silk? gorgeous! Mini

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