Saturday, February 07, 2009

Forbidden fruits

Today a Lazza icecream seller materialised on the road in front of our apartment, and soon girls from the hostel in front were seen buying icecreams. The kids, on their watch tower in the balcony, began clamouring for it too.
Later, we told them. Mira is easy to pacify. But not Ash. A child who has been living without most goodies that kids his age eat, he couldnt resist this. He was on the verge of tears. I looked at the broken skin on his cheeks and brows, and said: Later, when your skin is better. It is with a heavy heart that we refuse him eatables.
Two days back, he spied V taking chicken for lunch. Nothing evades his eyes. My inlaws have strictly instructed us that we not buy/make anything he cant eat. (The ayurvedic medicines he is taking mean that he has to forgo non-veg food and cold stuff like icecreams; less tubers, less pulses, less chilli & tamarind, no afternoon naps, and only boiled water. Even otherwise, his eczema makes him allergic to most food including milk and wheat products.) They went on a sabbatical when Ash was with them. But not V. Like many Indian men expect, his needs should be the household's priorities. If the man of the house needs a low-fat diet, the rest of the family should also go for a fat-free diet. But if the woman of the house needs a low-salt diet, she better make it separately for herself.
"Can I at least see the chicken, Appa?" Ash asked, with tears welling up in his eyes. He had a look, and then told his dad: "Will you get me chicken that wont itch?"
V told me later that day how rotten it had made him feel.

p.s. I plan to try a neem bath for him after reading an article about how neem benefits eczema.


Anonymous said...

hi, i heard about neem .. i suppose u can try it.. but since my child is allergic to almost everything never tried.
sad to hear the child ... my eyes r full too.
hope everything works .
Ash- god be with u.
take care

Anonymous said...

A hug from me to Ash..


marcia@joyismygoal said...

Yes hugs from me too how hard

Mini said...

hi, ask v to have non veg & all the other forbidden goodies outside the house. you owe ash that at least!!! and do tell ash he can have all the goodies when he grows up to be a handsome, strong man.
god bless him!

Shivani said...

Hi Dear,

I am also sailing in the same boat of Atopic dermatitis
after reading your blog.. I felt as if, It is my story only thing is my daughter is the sufferer... and I have also gone through the same number and names of creams that you are using

Infact we started with homeopathy as well.. can you share some of your experience with homeopathy if you have any.... I was suggested to go for Homeopathy as It would root out the cause... but of no use... it was worsen day by day... Still if we can get some remedy in alternate medicine that would be sipmly gr8

but Y u satared th UV radiations therapy??
The infected area for my daughter is her fingers and skin around her lips and chin... Hope they outgrow this ...

Love to Ash and Mary..

Ladybird said...

hi Shivani: We did try 2-3 homeopaths though we didnt persists with their treatments long enough for it to show any result. Most poeple tell us homeo is safe. But some others have told us that homeo uses heavy and poisonous metals like mercury and arsenic. A homeo dr herself showed my husband a bottle which she said was poison, only they use one-millionth of an amount in the meds. Which means longterm use can affect ur system esp ur kidneys. She also told us that homeo offers a cure for eczema unlike allopathy, but maybe we didnt have the patience to continue with it long enough. The last homeo dr we went didnt seem to understand ecz and was trying to link it up with Ash's early vaccinations.
UV hasnt helped my son - it is expensive and has made his skin v dark. His whole body is affected and itchy since Feb 07.
You could try ayurveda if u have the patience regarding diet restrictions. Not a commercialsied one like Kottakal but smaller ones. Vaidyamadhom is the one we go to. check their website
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

That was really sad. Poor Ash. Re: the neem, I remember my dad rubbing the leaves on my skin when I had chicken pox. I remember how wonderful it I bet its great for any skin irritation. good luck.

Anonymous said...

don't worry dear. even my daughter (4 yr ) has the same problem and i am in the same situation as urs. we tried allopathy & homeopathy b4 settling down with the treatment at Vaidyamadam. With homeopathy we had very bitter experience - her legs were completely infected & puss filled boils were under the knees that she cud hardly walk. now even with all the food restrictions and the problems related 2 that we are happy with treatment at vaidyamadam since we have our daughter back happily running around

We had 3 last-minute guests -- a cousin, niece, and my old classmate _to our sadya on Onam Sunday. Though planning gives me the ...