Monday, February 09, 2009

Beggars & choosers

I watched Slumdog Millionaire yesterday. The sound quality wasnt too good on my DVD, and it should have been best viewed at the theatre. I think I need to watch it once again before I can make judgements about it. But I dont know if I can go through it again. Some movies depress you in parts or whole and it is a torture going through it again. I almost lost the heart to view it when I reached the part where the kids are taken to be blinded for a life as beggars. (Getting caught by beggars and blinded for begging was one of my greatest fears as a kid - a fear that adults at home always nurtured to prevent one from any form of danger)
After Maximum City, it was like reliving life in the slums of Bombay once again. A city so dangerous, depressing yet dazzling.
An eminently watchable movie inspite of everything _ I mean, the controversies that have increased after the Oscar nominations.
p.s. The weekend preoccupations, apart from this, were a marriage reception on Saturday night, morning mass as usual on Sunday and a visit to a friend's place in the evening which the kids enjoyed since there were two peers and plenty of toys to play with. V has kindly advised me to break the non-veg fast (since I am on an Ayurveda diet for my backpain) for 2 days to celebrate the birthday. An offer I took up eagerly...


Anonymous said...

hope u enjoyed u'r b'day.God bless.
so what non veg-_briyani?
all recovering from flu still.
very tiring

Lijy said...

belated birthday wishes..

hope you had a nice time.

Ladybird said...

Yes, i did. Thank you. Had dinner - mutton bir., kozhi varta curry and kal dosai - at Zameendar, a southern cuisine restaurant here. Left the kids at home, since Ash cant eat most stuff.

On April 16, we residents looked forward to another rain despite the note of caution from authorities. Seeing the rainy weather, V decided b...