Monday, February 02, 2009


Vinod's nephews, residing in Queensland for the past 2 years with their parents, visited us on their way to Kerala and back. The younger one, now 8, learnt to speak English only after he went there and so now speaks with an Australian accent.
He probably heard me utter a word or two in English - we dont speak English at home - and asked me in surprise: "Do you know English?"
"A little," I told him.
"I know very well," he said, still not believing me.

The elder one had given me a similar treatment long back. As I was preparing to go to work, he asked me where I was going.
"Office," I told him.
"Ugh! women dont go to offices. They only go to schools to teach." The other women he knew were either homemakers or schoolteachers.

Boy! didnt they give me a complex ? :)


Anonymous said...

hmm..sad to see that in present day young growing boys.
take care

Ranjith Cherickel said...

Wait till your son gets exasperated when other women tell him they don't blog :)

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