Thursday, January 08, 2009

Aspirant No. 2

I have not had time to write much and bore my readers this week. The highlights of our first week after the hols have been: having my mom here until the 14th (she came along with me in a bid to oversee Ash's health), the maid's desire to be excused from service in two months to take up work in an Arab household in Kuwait, my sis-in-law and family on a flying visit yesterday en route to Queensland and Mira's interview for admission to LKG today.
Today being Muharram, the school had a holiday and so only parents and the little candidates were present in the campus. In a last-minute job, we tried to drill in Mira's head that her frock was pink and her bangles were red. She is pathetic with colours. We were relieved to note that she could sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star reasonably well, though in her faintest voice. She is like that. The moment she leaves home, she is demure and quiet. That she could identify objects gave us some hope.
The Principal looked at her kindly and said, "I dont think she is in a mood to talk. Will she cry?" But Mira gave her full name when asked, her father's and brother's full names (after V translated the question in Malayalam) and identified a fish and a cat (which she called a poocha). She could however not identify three colours the male interviewer asked, and said honestly: "Ariyathilla (I dont know)." I guess they didnt mind that answer.
The Principal noted that there were quite a few applications from guys working in V's company. At least we know of one colleague of his who wants to admit his daugther in UCA. She informed us that the letter of admission will come in 10 days, a formality. Whcih means that Mira should make it without much hassle to LKG, especially as she has a sibling already studying there.
As a parting shot, she asked me: "Are you still working?"
A question that has made me think again about the need to take a work break for the kids' sake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats on the lkg interview. glad thats over.. and u know another person going to send their child to same school.good.
If u work problem, if u don't work problem.
no job on one side.. bills going up on another is complicated.. Just do what ever is right think..! god bless u in your decision making.

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