Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Fishy trip

Yesterday, on our way back from the Siddha doctor's place in Tiruvallur we stopped at the wholesale fishmarket in Vaanagaram near Maduravoyal.
There's V and his cousin getting sardines cleaned and cut (for Rs.30 for 3 kg of sardines bought at Rs.50). Ash was hooked to the African freshwater fish we call mushi back in Kerala and watched them jumping up and down gasping for breath as they were transferred from their watery haven to the yellow crate for the inspection of customers.

I couldnt watch their life and death struggle and kept my eyes away. So far I have seen and bought only dead fish, not ones that are fresh out of water. Some were lucky when the men-in-charge decided to put them back into the water drums.


ush said...

hi,the sardines must be cheapest.. whats the cost of the big fish..!
so whats the Dr say of the latest visit..
take care ust

Ladybird said...

Big fish is cheap here unlike in the city shops. As against 340 a kg for nemeen (seer fish), we paid Rs. 160 only there and for kuduva Rs.100 only as against 300 at Fishofish :)
It was my first trip to the doctor's and we had to leave home at 4.15 am to be the first patients at 5.15 am! She said it will come down gradually but I am anchoring for allopathy as Ash;s skin now looks miserable. V says wait and watch... The itching is into his eyes too and he complains of worms in eyes, so took him to eye dr today. The dr and some others think the ecz. was caused by the fertility treatments but I dont agree. All kids born such dont have ecz. And people who havent taken treatment that I know have eczemic kids. Right?

ush said...

hi, Ecz.. is there for my younger 2 no fertility treatment .. almost every other person has a child here with Ecz.. or allergy..
could be birth control pills,or shots they give for kids now a days...or all the harmones .. etc they use.. food.. all /pollution.
only Indian kids seem to have more.
Rs 360 -1 kg -nemeen.. 10 yrs or so we got it 70-80 per kg..oh ! boy!

take care

Amos said...

Gosh you mean you pay Rs.30 per kilo for only cutting and cleaning that is too much... Here some supermarkets offer that service free......AM

Ladybird said...

The fisho'-fish outlets here cut big fish free of cost, tho V tips the 'cutter' on the sly for better service. For the small fry like nettili and sardines, we tip openly since it is laborious work. But at fish markets the cleaning rates are fixed, they are not tips. Anyway I dont want to bring fish home and clog my sink and have the house stinking of fish. :)

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