Thursday, October 04, 2007

White revolution

A milk revolution is on at home now. On Monday evening, a jubilant V called me at office to convey that both kids had taken their evening quota of milk in cups, not bottles. Mira couldnt withstand the temptation of milk and drand without much fuss. Ash whimpered for a while but V was adamant. So he took it in the end.
The next day, he woke up from his afternoon sleep crying for milk in bottle. He was told that all the bottles had been thrown away. Yesterday, as I babysat, I managed to do it too with some difficulty. Today Ash is on a rice-based (no milk, no sugar, no juice) diet, because of the tummy upset.
I hope he forgets the bottle business in a couple of days. To think that I was planning to buy more feeding botttles...
Yesterday evening, I also managed to take a bath leaving the duo eating fryums in my room. That was the first time I did that as I dont even dare to take even a 2-min break to the loo with the two around. I took the fastest possible shower though. I cant leave them to their devices for too long since they love to smother each other with pillows.

The last maid told me some time back that she took a shower when Mira was alone with her. She switched on the TV for Mira and left the bathroom door ajar, just in case... Mira saw it, went to the bath door, closed it properly and returned to her TV watching. Kids!


Romila said...

It's a really good thing that you manage to write such lenghthy posts with two kids around.

Dunno how you do it really, but appreciate the effort. Sometime after they grew up, you'll be happy you have captured all the memories in this blog.

Ladybird said...

I am hoping that as adults they will be happy to read these chronicles.

Joyismygoal said...

wow when you put it in writing it is exhausting

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