Thursday, October 04, 2007

Lucy Locket...

A new maid has landed home from Kerala today - Lucy, her name is. My mom has come along and will be here till Sunday.
She looks like a nice person though her work is in slow motion. I helped her generally in the kitchen and took care of the kids' needs too today. I hope she gets the hang of things soon and works faster.

But I doubt if she can be as fast and efficient as the previous one. In fact I began missing her more. She called us yesterday to hear Mira's voice.
The new one has worked in the Gulf as nanny but I am not sure if she can handle two mischievous and hyperactive brats like mine. Let me see. As of now, she is supposed to take care of the cooking, babycare, laundry, sweeping and swabbing and other minor chores around the 1035 sq ft apartment. Since she has asked for a higher salary, I have fired the partimer for now. Division of labour had been tricky for me - since both say certain chores are not in their domain, I end doing all the finer cleaning at home.
The partimer had been getting too greedy of late - asking me for freebies almost every other day apart from financial loans. She had also said she was not free for babysitting, for a fee, in the past 2 weeks. She was probably expecting a higher fee for a 12 noon to 7 pm job.
I am feeling sleepy. Ash, who was down with food poisoning (after having an Arabian delicacy called shawarma the previous day) and fever yesterday night, robbed me off my sleep. He did not go to school today though it school reopened today. He is still feverish; the dr chided us for eating out often. It is the season of sickness in Chennai - chicken pox, fever, diarrhoea following the rain and change of weather.
Mira returned to school after a week's convalescence.


Anonymous said...

good to hear u have new maid
take care..good luck with the kids neww cup drinking sucess.

Joyismygoal said...

Yeah for no more bottles!!! it must be hard training a new maid

Ladybird said...

That's a nursery rhyme...
"Lucy Locket lost her pocket
Kitty fischer found it
There was not a penny in it
Just a ribbon around it." :)

Anonymous said...

hi, yes its a rhyme.. what connection i was wondering..
..if it was just rhyme u were thinking about.
...if the maid had that locket name
...or locket connection
...some characterstics of the rhyme maid has..?
after all lit student u/me ..and have to use all points of view.....heeeeeeeee
when i read lucy.first,.was thinking of old TV show i love lucy.. don't know if u have seen it..used to come in ddtv.. when we were kids
have hectic weekend taking break'
whole body pain...dancing..!

Ladybird said...

no connection. I just nicknamed her that since I have been humming that rhyme of late :)

Amos said...

Peace at last!! By the way where do you get Shawarma in Chennai?? It is a delicacy here but has to be prepared in a proper way. Lebanese Restaurants make the genuine stuff.

Ladybird said...

we get it from a restaurant called Arabian delights in AN. (Though I am not sure if that was teh cause of ash;s sickness.)There are a few other Muslim joints in the area serving muslim and arabian stuff.
My husband is fond of shawarma since it is available in his hometown, whcih has a sizeable Muslim population.

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