Sunday, October 21, 2007

Mira writes...

Mira had her first brush with the world of letters when the vicar of
our church helped her form letters in a plate of rice grains, as the
custom is.
The first thing she was made to write was Daivaithinu stuthi (Praise
be to Lord) in Malayalam. She then wrote the first letter in Malayalam
(aa), in English (A) and in Hindi (aa again).
Though she started crying at the sight of the priest in his black robe
at first, she calmed down once she started writing - she enjoyed the
writing business.
I hope she will continue to enjoy writing in the years to come.


Anonymous said...

As one of your California lurkers I am so enjoying watching your blog each week. Thank you for writing about your life which is so different from mine.

Romila said...

Preety sweet way to be introduced to writing. And lovely pics too.

Love visiting your blog and commenting. Only thing that gets me smtimes is the word verfication thingy u have put up.

Ladybird said...

Thank you all for the support...
Romila: I have removed the word verfn.
Ruth: Thank you for the comment. I'd also like to look at your blog.

Joyismygoal said...

yes nice pics

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