Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ash and his ear

Ash robbed us of our sleep much of yesterday night. I fell asleep a little after 12 midnight hearing him say: 'Chocolate ants biting me.' Every night, once lights are off, he realises that his eczemic body is itching - until then he is too busy to realise it. And nowadays he classifies it with 'icecream ants biting me' or 'chocolate ants biting me'. We have come to beleive that it is a tactic of his to stall sleep, his and ours, and dab a bit of Anthical lotion in the dark on him and drift to sleep ourselves.
But at 1.30 a.m. I woke up hearing him complain to his irritated and tired dad of pain in the ear. He went on non-stop about the pain till 2.30 or so. We gave him crocin and put Soliwax in the ear in case ear wax was causing the pain. He drifted to sleep then, but woke up again at 4.30 a.m. With the car away for servicing we couldnt rush him to the children's hospital emergency at that hour. We all got some sleep, god knows when and until 6.30 am when he starts beating his head, his ear and kept asking things like: 'Where is my ear??!!' He couldnt express himself better about the excrutiating pain, I guess.
So we called the ENT, who said we could come to his place after 9 am and prescribed ear drops and a painkiller to lessen the pain until then. Ash had also started puking. Anyway he was less miserable once we applied the drops.
The ENT couldnt be sure if the pain was because of the earwax, or the phlegm from his chest infection and nose congestion. The puking on an empty stomach too got worse, which made us worry if he had fallen and hit his head somewhere.
Ash took his medicines but not his semi-solid food, so I had to feed him in a bottle after he fell asleep listening to rhymes. I caught a bit a sleep too until Mira returned from school. And yesterday she had been indisposed - an upset tummy.
I guess as parents of two small children, we still have many more days of sleepless nights to come.


Romila said...

So sad for your kid. It's a nightmare when kids fall sick. Seeing them in pain plus the added woe of sleepless nights is really maddening.

May your kid get well soon.

Anonymous said...

hi, morning itself have head ache! thanks to disturbed sleep. luckily this time it was just itching by sher and n being restless.
yes Eczema seem to rear its head at night. so watch out if all windows r closed, moisture in the air is less..
yes if u have cold likeness of ear infection.. they give antibiotics.
or just crocin kind of thing. good luck.
u r lucky u got to sleep.
good u have maid to watch/help. take care, hugs to A

Joyismygoal said...

Is he better?

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