Saturday, September 22, 2007

The bash

A Minnie mouse strawberry cake, a dinner of mutton biriyani and mutton fry at Savera, a 4-star hotel on Radhakrishna salai, a few guests and a feverish Mira constituted the party.
Mira was running a temperature - she generally brings home the flu bug on fridays - and bit tired for the party. We had two unexpected guests, who joined us for dinner too. A couple of folks we had planned to call had taken ill/their kids had exams. V called four of our next door neighbours at the last hour - his way of preventing people from buying bday gifts. But yet, one of them took time in coming - they ran to a shop to buy a dress for Mira.
Mira's offwhite frock with some cute pink flowers had been a gift from her aunt. We cut the cake with the nursery rhymes in the background, and preceded by a prayer by V's papa.
Dinner was good. Well, the guests liked it. Poli and kozhukattai were served as starters, on the house. There was this grand old lady dressed in traditional Chettiar style, making polis and kolukattais at the entrance to Malgudi restaurant, to give that very Chettinadu ambience for the restaurant. I think I find the restaurant interesting because of its name - I had been so enthralled when I read R.K. Narayan's Guide and his description of the fictional village of Malgudi.
Mira fell asleep on the way home.


Joyismygoal said...

Wow sounds like a very nice time is she feeling better it is no fun being sick on you birthday

Anonymous said...

I read your most recent posts in your blog, and I hardly stopped, in order to finish my work. You are so talented! I believe I mentioned that already. You have a keen sense of observation, sensibility, and talent to describe everything. I could see the party with a feverish Mira, I could see the children playing together at home and sometimes having a fight, I could see you overwhelmed with the chores and with the worries. I think you are very lucky to be gifted in such a way, to be able to describe so nicely everything around you. Imagine the people who are doomed to keep everything inside them...
Wishing you quick recovery for Mira, and a better week, and not a busy weekend, but a relaxed one, if possible,

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