Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tagged! College & me

Joyismygoal tagged me for this college edition - 8 random things about me. Here are the rules!
1) Each player must post these rules first.
2) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3) Tagged people post their eight things and these rules.
4) End your post by ‘tagging’ eight new people to play.
5) Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog for these instructions.
1. I spent five years in the jailed confines of a convent college close to V's place.
2. I had probably seen the house of my future husband on my way back to the college hostel, after a weekend at home, but I had no inkling that I would become a part of that house then. If I did, I could have stayed there instead of at the hostel! (just kidding)
3. V studied in the men's college nearby at about the same time and also went to the same church as I did (but then I went to the Orthodox church only once in a blue moon). We were allowed to enter the men's college premises on special occasions - like when President Zail Singh came visiting and whenever our college held a function/programme in te men's college auditorium.
4. Our hostel warden, Sr. Geo Maria, was a great sport and gave us a lot more freedom than the nuns running the other hostels of the college. She later became the college principal.
5. Once a month (or was it once in 3 months? I cant remember) we were taken for a movie to a cinema hall in the town like sheep to the pasture, marching in two's on the road much to the amusement of passersby and the townsfolk.
6. My next college was MCC, where we spent much of our free time yakking in the gutters, off the roads inside the college.
7. The latter was a liberation - after the stifling disciplinary effect of the former. The profs had a cardiac arrest when I stood up to answer their questions. The atmosphere was so casual that students pillion rode on their prof's bicycles and vice versa. I say, cycles - not cars/bikes like profs in Kerala would come in.
8. We had this blind prof and the students flew rockets across the class while he taught. Some slept, some read novels...

I guess there are more interesting things but I cant remember much right now. Work beckons.

p.s. I wont tag anyone for this as I dont know that many bloggers I can foist this on. IF anyone is interested, pl. get in touch and I will be glad to add you to the Tagged menu.


Joyismygoal said...

Thanks for Doing this and I found it fascinating and aamzing at the cultural differences and similarities. What is yorr degree in?

Ladybird said...
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Joyismygoal said...

Wow, I am impressed how many years did you go to college? Well, similarities : We both majored in English, if we had a blind prof things would be thrown around class here too, and the dorms were like that when I was in college too you could only visit on Sunday afternoons in the boys dorm. We went to movies too but on our own. Thanks for sharing.

Ladybird said...

well, 9 long years! Since Classes 11 and 12 used to be a part of college then, I spent 5 yrs at the Kerala college (including 3 yrs undergrad). MA was 2 yrs and Mphil 1 1/2 yrs (though I finished my dissertation after the first yr itself) to go for the 9 mnth journalism course.

Ladybird said...

MA English, MpHil English and PG diploma in Journalism.

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