Monday, April 02, 2007

A long weekend

After ages, I got to enjoy a 2-day weekend at home. With a State government-sponsored bandh on Saturday over the reservation (of seats for OBCs in professional education) issue, the boss was magnanimous enough to offer an 'optional' off to those who would find it difficult to commute - no public transport or autos or taxis were available from 6 am to 6 pm. (Those who chose to come would earn an extra off in the lean week.)
Maid and me and Mira attended the Palm Sunday service at Koyambedu church yesterday. Ash was still asleep when we left. He and V came to pick us up after the service though. The post-service breakfast included idli, uzhunnuvada and sambar for the teeming hundreds (the church was filled to double its capacity, and will so for the GF and Easter mass too.) The church manages to feed the pious and the truants like Jesus fed the 5,000.
After our weekly shopping and refreshments (for a change at the wayside tender coconut and sugarcane juice stall), reached home and had a late lunch.
Evening I took Ash to the barber and got his head tonsured. He now looks like a cross of Dalai Lama and George Speight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read ur blog daily.

Why did u shave Ashs' hair?

A song that we Kerala Syrian Christians sing only at funerals is " samayamam rathathil njan swargayatra cheyyunnu... (I travel on the...