Today is Ashwin's last day at the playschool.

We do not plan to send him in April, since he keeps falling sick all the time there. (We might put him in a bigger school next year.) V is even wanting to pack him off to Kerala next week, but when I went to the reservation office yesterday to book train tickets, V changed his mind and asked me to come away.
Anyway, I am hoping to go to Kerala in early May and spend 2 weeks there. Maid will go off to her place to cool off too.
Kerala will be just as hot and even more humid than Chennai in May, not to mention the frequent powercuts. The monsoons dont begin until June 1st week.
Will Vinod be able to travel by then?
He will be coming only for 3 days towards the end of our vacation. My trip is still tentative though I have reserved tickets to and fro.If he needs help at home, I will have to cancel my trip.
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