Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Budding housekeeper

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My daughter is trying to imitate a lot of things that we adults do at home. For instance, she takes a peice of cloth and wipes the table, the floor, the shelves etc. Yesterday she got a broom and dustpan and did some 'sweeping'. Any vessel she gets, she holds it gingerly with a cloth (the way the maid takes the hotwater for M's bath) and leaves it in the bathroom.
And mind you, she just turned one and a half on March 21st. (babycenter says: Eighteen months is a coming of age for your child. Many parents say that this is when they stop thinking of their child as a baby.)
Well, it has dawned the realisation on me that this is an impressionable age for both the kids and that we better be careful what we do and say in front of them. Which is not easy - we lose our cool at times and forget that there are little sponges watching all the flood of fury and absorbing all that goes about.

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