Friday, December 15, 2006

Sibling power

Mira's EEG report says things are normal. The neurologist wondered why the peads had raised a hue and cry. Maybe because the maid exaggerated about the seizure to the Dr.
Yesterday me and my bro took Mira for the EEG. Had a tough time giving her the sedative. She fell asleep soon after and then the technician did the test.
A technician arranges the electrodes, usually a dozen, at specific sites on the child's head, fixing the electrodes in place with sticky paste. The patient must remain still and lie down while the EEG is taken. Motion can interfere with the EEG - sometimes this might be difficult for an awake child, but it's necessary to record an accurate EEG. However, the patient can't be sedated to achieve stillness because the sedative can cause an inaccurate reading. Natural sleep EEGs, however, can be very helpful.
My brother and V's brother were here on 13th. Mine came on 13th evening and left yesterday for Kerala while V's came on 12th night and left on 13th night for Bangalore. Got maid to make Appam-chicken stew for breakfast and Veg. Fried Rice and Chicken curry for lunch for the guests. Hardly had time to play the ideal host since it is a busy week at work.
P.S. My posts will be fewer as I cant blog from work now! Seems it comes under the websense category S** - cant remember when/where I used that word. Have to prod V to buy a comp at the New Year sale.

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