Monday, November 27, 2006

Clueless in Chennai

Maid has dropped her next bombshell- she needs to leave immediately as her hubby has met with an accident (he slipped and injured his hip when he was taking a bath in a stream) and is on bedrest. No one else to take care of him. She said she would like to leave after her brother brings a replacement from the agency we hired her. But today when he went to the agency, he was told the office has remained closed the past 20 days at least. Maybe they have closed down the agency.
Dunno how to manage 2 kids till Xmas leave. Maybe it is just a blackmailing tactic to increase salary - god knows.
Ash has rejoined his playschool since today morning. My partime maid Kala picks him up after her duties at 12.30 noon. I have told her that she can go home around 2 ish (when Ash goes to sleep) and then come back around 5ish and stay till 7 pm or until I come back, whichever is earlier. She stay 2 km away from my place.
Mira looks sullen about the attention we are giving Ash. A bad cold meant that I had to keep off her the past 2 days. The kids both have a bad cough.

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