Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The emerging cook

Back to my cooking days – made a breakfast of Puttu & Kadala curry (not as tasty as the maid’s, I wish I had watched her do it), and rice and assorted dishes for lunch. Malloo meal menus are a bit elaborate for my liking but I have to trudge the line, since V likes things the traditional way.

Kids are doing ok, been making frequent calls home to enquire about them and hear their voice. Ash sang a line of Kaake Kaake Kudevide for us (Crow, crow where is your nest - one of the first malloo rhymes that our kids learn). He is more a humming bird. He is forever humming the Abcd rhyme he learnt from school - but only lmnopq and rst are coherent, so V calls him our RSP (Revolutionary Socialist Party) man. Ash sang me to sleep on our onward journey to Kerala last week. His concert luckily couldnt be heard over the train's chugging, so it did not disturb co-passengers.

Mil said Mira is adjusting though she is still gloomy. She is eating well and is getting toilet-trained - mil is an expert in babycare. We had no time and maids were the least bothered.
If i can find a reliable local person, I will bring Mira alone first. Might even bring her next week if possible, as Mil has to go to Bangalore for Vimal's housewarming on Aug 26. Might let Ash stay 3-4 months in my village till he gets a bit healthy. At Chandanapally, he has plenty of space to run around there and my parents and granny and co. are all enjoying his company. But V is missing him badly. I am missing Mira more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

read your blog..i get carried away reading it.. its great mon is learning rhymes etc.. yes with g'mum and g'parents he will speak more.. that's great if mir can be toilet trained .. and now u have to keep up with it.. good luck.. Usha

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