Thursday, October 07, 2010


Just as I apply cream on his damp skin, Ash asks me: 'Will Jesus cure my skin?'
We had let him skip school today owing to a little crusting on the forehead, part of the flare-up that has dogged him since Mira's birthday and the occasional taboo food.
'Well, if u pray long and hard enough,' I tell him, not really sure.
"What if Jesus falls sick?'
"He will have to pray to his father Jehovah. And you can pray to his father or to his mother Mary too." 
(My memory fails me and I am not able to recollect the exact Q&A round today)
The questions come like an avalance most times and I am sometimes stumped. Or I have to search for a suitable quip for his each "... and then what happened?". 


ush said...

Dear Ash mon
Yes, Jesus will cure you. You need to Pray and watch your diet.Apply the creams etc.By the time i see u next time you will be more grown and handsome!
God bless you.
Take care
U aunty

Ladybird said...

Ah, that sounds like a personal mail from Jesus himself :)
Thanks U aunty!

ush said...

God bless ,u r welcome

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