Monday, April 06, 2020

Life in the time of Corona

Dear Mira,

You have been badgering me to  write about 'us' after discovering the blog and enjoying the small details about your exploits in Chennai. But for now, let me tell you about how we have been faring in the time of Covid-19. Because tomorrow, or five years from now, you might forget what we went through on account of an invisible microscopic enemy.
For a week now, we have experienced what it is like to live under curfew - from 8 pm to 6 am  - while the authorities here went about the disinfection drive. The first two nights it was fun heralding the curfew. First came the shrill emergency alert on phone from the Shj Police asking us to stay indoors. A fleet of police cars waited on the corniche road in front of our window as a drone was set into operation. Some residents banged pots and pans, probably Indian fans of the PM Modi who had exhorted people of India to observe a Janta Curfew  on Sunday March 22 and end it with beating drums, blowing conches and clanging plates to create din to drive away the virus. While India went into an abrupt lockdown two days later, we in UAE still enjoyed our limited ventures out during the day. Private offices functioned, and Appa still went to work.
The second night here some blared the national anthem, which won the praise of the Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler of AD. Since then we have taken it very quietly. An occasional defaulter was noticed by a drone zooming overhead or fined by men in uniform. Next came the grand spectacle of the sterilisation drive passing along our road. Municipality vehicles of all shapes moved past spraying disinfectants but giving us residents much excitement during these home-bound boring days. Well, cant say boring because we are not really missing the usual routine of mall hopping and restaurant visits. Malls were beginning to get boring unless there was a massive sale on - even then, we had skipped much of the Dubai shopping festival this year in an austerity drive. And one can still go out to buy food and essentials, albeit with masks and gloves in place now. Moreover, delivery boys are working overtime to bring food home to the lazy ones; their bikes crisscross the city even during curfew hours. 
As for the church, it has been streaming  the Mass live during this Great Lent, a time when the pious cant bear to congregate in church. I must say it is better to do it from the comfort of your home - more concentration and more piety! Although it was a bit sad and odd to watch the priests and their families alone offering prayers and performing the rituals.
We will overcome, my girl, these calamitous times. What awaits us in post-Corona world or what is left of it (65000 dead already world over) is too hazy to predict now. Will we turn wiser, saner and more humane? We owe you little ones a cleaner and safer world.

Pix: the Buhairah Corniche road after a sanitisation round; 2. attending Hosanna service in homewear. 

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That was a Unicef ad dialogue I heard most days on YouTube. Now it has touched my life too.  My dad has left to celebrate New Year in paradi...