Saturday, December 22, 2012

Santa Claus

The tree comes down from the loft.
After the birthday gifts, the gifts from Santa are the most awaited at home. This year Ash told me in advance that I neednt write what gifts they want, and that he'd rather ask them himself. So in the beginning of December itself, Ash and Mira had their letters ready and which I duly informed them I had posted.
But in a week's time they began to worry that Santa wouldnt have got the letters, and if he didnt, I had to buy  the gifts for him. Next came the peer pressure. Ash told me that a couple of his friends and a neighbour's kid had got their gifts from Santa. A friend had got PSP gold (playstation portable), which cost only Rs. 6999. And that gave him new ideas. He decided to write a second wishlist with PSP included.
V, who had been egging me to give the gifts ever since we bought it, was as impatient as the kids. So I decided on a compromise date of Dec 22, which conveniently fell when Xmas vacation started for them. Mira had her second letter to Santa ready - another attractive one with flowers and caps to please him.
We put them to bed early so that I could work on the letters from Santa and put the gifts out.

Mira was careful to mention that she was a girl in case Santa brought her boy stuff.

Mira woke up first, saw the gifts and ran to Ash to give the good news. They seemed quite content with what they got though Ash looked a bit miffed with Santa for giving a PSP only to his friend and not to him!

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