Wednesday, January 18, 2012

2012 prospects

Happy New Year! Let me hope the year has begun well for you. As for me, I had a premonition that this year is not going to be very kind to me and hence did not harbour much hopes about the months ahead or make New Year resolutions.
I was not wrong as on new year day I was in bed with a bad case of viral fever. On 3rd, the nanny went on a 12-day vacation, so it was back to our juggling ways. For 3 days, my partime maid took leave from her work at the nearby mall's food court and kept the kids company. After that I took leave - Mira couldnt beleive that I was there to receive them each day after school, something she would love on a daily basis. On the 11th, we made another short visit to Kerala - Changanacheri, Chply and Trivandrum. Our return flight was from Tvm on Sunday, so we left home on Saturday afternoon. Stayed at a cousin's place where they keep two parrots, two Rottweilers and some poultry. Mira loved the renovated house but not the flight journey. It made her dizzy and she swears she will prefer the train any day - enough leg room and space to move/run around and enough people to keep her occupied.
The maid is back and the school has reopened after Pongal holidays, so things are back to the old routine.


prem said...

You never informed me about your visit to Tvm.

ush said...

you flew to Tvm?or flew back only.
hope all well. nice to hear from u after long time.
Rosh and family looks busy Prem!
my hubby in mds now.

Ladybird said...

I am sorry, I meant to inform before I left Mds. But we had very lil time in Tvm - reached at 6ish, stayed put at a cousin's place and left the next day morning.

Amos said...

Usha looks like you miss your hubby already.. I can see you mentioning 2-3 times that he is in Chennai!!

Ladybird said...

He is back, miller! with enough gifts for her to get over the separation :)

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