Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Just back from a week's vacation at my hometown. The kids are enjoying
their two-month long vacation. After a month with my parents, they
will now spend 3 weeks with their paternal grandparents.
The 2-day St. George's Day and festival at my place delighted them,
especially the night procession. Here they are with my granny, waiting
for the 'rasa' to arrive on the night of May 7.
Summer vacation


ush said...

Wow, it must have been a sight to see. hope they had fun.Hope all well. take care

Ladybird said...

Yes, I have always loved the midnight raasa - the lights, the crosses being carried, floats, drums, band mela, fireworks etc. have always fascinated me not to mention all the walls lit with candles. The kids too loved it this time. Will put pics soon. Some prob with my picasa acct.

On April 16, we residents looked forward to another rain despite the note of caution from authorities. Seeing the rainy weather, V decided b...