Tuesday, April 05, 2011

The maker

The kids have been increasingly pondering about life and death of late. While Mira suggested that we tell the Jesus in the church to bring Donypapa back to life (since the one at home doesnt move!), Ash is getting more and more interested in the Christian version of human evolution. He is in fact more interested in the practical aspect of Creation.
"Did Jesus make all of us?"
Yes, replies his dad.
"But wouldnt his hand ache making so many people? Did he make Vibeesh uncle (who is very obese) downstairs, Benoy uncle in church etc.?"
Now, to the next question.
"How did he make all of us?"
"Mannu (which in Malayalam means sand)," V tells him.
"Oh, does he go to the beach to make them in sand?"


ush said...

Do they get to attend sunday school?
they may like that.
take care

Ladybird said...

M goes to Sunday school. Ash not yet, owing to his skin problem. He stays home on Sunday mornings as he is sleep-deprived. We take him only for evening functions at church.
Well, he knows the Bible stories, but being an inquisitive child with a great thirst for knowledge, he keeps asking questions again and again and ruminating over the answers :)

christycunn1 said...

How darling! Children can come up with the most interesting questions, observations and comments.

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