Friday, March 04, 2011


Last week, V and Ash took the the train to our hometown in Kerala to meet the homeo doctor. In the morning , an idli-vada seller came into their train coach, and Ash insisted that he wanted a plate of it as he was hungry. Since it is an overnight journey - 8pm to 8 am - the more stoical of us especially adults wait till we reach home to eat something - the first taste of Kerala has to be from one's own mom's kitchen.
V tried telling Ash that his Ammachi (granny) had prepared idli and chutney for him but he would have none of it. He was hungry and he had to eat. And as Ash relished the not-so-fluffy idlis, V tried to taste a little of the idli.
"No, dont eat mine. You can go home and eat what Ammachi has made," Ash told him.
Though he missed one mid-term exam paper because of the Kerala trip, he has done extremely well in the other papers. Considering his health, attendance in school and performance until now, it is an achievement. I owe my thanks to his tutor Hakim, who is not merely a teacher for him but a big brother and friend. He is strict with him but I often find them showing each other their biceps (!!), chatting etc. He even lifts Ash up high or gives him a hug before or after vacation. God bless him :)

1 comment:

ush said...

Sounds like a good,loving teacher.
Congrats Ash. continue to do the good work
take care

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