Monday, November 01, 2010

Recipe buff

One of Ashwin's latest interests include pulling out my old copies of the Malayalam magazine Vanita and feasting his eyes on the recipes.
"Would I be able to eat this, ammama?" he asks the maid as he flips through the pages. He also watches all the cookery programmes on the Malayalam channels with her, hoping there would be some dish he can eat.
Which means I have a task in hand once we enter a maidless phase in the future - making interesting snacks that are egg-free, lactose-free and maybe gluten-free.


dreamrunner said...

:). Lots of interesting gluten free recipes online.
Speak soon,

ush said...

there r many.. we can substitute also
good luck

Ladybird said...

This is one site that has interested me though I am yet to try out any of the recipes

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