Friday, April 23, 2010

Traditional back-up

My mornings have a purpose now - at least till the end of this week. Between 8 and 9 am, I have the services of three pretty girls trying to set my spine, suffering from a lumbar disc prolapse, in order! Since it is an Ayurvedic clinic, the treatment involves massaging the lower back and the legs using a kizhi (it looks like miniature moneybag, only difference is that this cloth bag tied with a string has a lot of herbs and roots and stuff) dipped in moderately hot oil. My only problem is having to lie near-naked before them during the procedure, though I am getting pretty thick-skinned now.
The procedure begins with the girls placing a big lump of chapati dough (wheat) on the lower back, making a hole in it like in a doughnut and pouring warm oil into the centre. once in a while the kizhi scalds your skin and the girls go apologetic. They are all 20-somethings as are the boys, who I assume act as masseuses for the male clients.
The doctor, on his part, is a young and energetic person who is familiar with allopathy. Next week, the session will be in the evenings since I am expected to take rest after the pizhichil and kicks and what not they have planned for me. Anyway I am feeling a little better, and the pain radiating from my back to the right leg has diminished.
The diet restrictions  - no potato/banana/yam/ stuff from the fridge - are pretty mild, but I have quite a few pills (in place of the kashayams) to swallow. They are pretty huge and formidable, and I think I will choke on them one of these days.


ush said...

Good luck. enjoy the massages. sounds relaxing.take care

HOA Mgr Lady said...

Hope you feel better fast!
Ruth from California

Anonymous said...

Feel better. Wow, chapatti dough on the back--I might have to try that :)
All the best. JEN

Tulika Byce said...

Under other circumstances I would have said enjoy the massage - but guess the treatment isn't always comfortable. Hope you feel better soon.

Ladybird said...

Not when it involves hot oil :) Otherwise I could have caught some sleep during the process.
The pizhichil involves a lot more massaging than the kizhi round, and there is so much oil involved -2.5 litres - that you are floating and slipping on the special bed. And you need two rounds of bathing in hot water to get all that oil out. I have always hated oil on myself.

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