Saturday, April 03, 2010

Good Friday

For the first time, the kids attended the Good Friday mass - at least one-third the long service we have. I took them in the afternoon while V went alone in the morning itself. He wasnt really keen on the kids being taken in the dreadful heat, but since we couldnt find a babysitter for the hours we would be away, I took them along with me in the afternoon.
At the outset, we sat on the chairs provided outside and watched the service live on tv, half distracted by all the action going around - mothers and children and their activities, kanji, payar, papads and pickle being carted to the counters (6 each for the men and women and a separate one for senior citizens, since Good Friday is the day many truant Christians make at least an annual appearance at their respective churches) and the thirsty going to the water dispensers etc. etc.
V took Ash away, so I had to manage only Mira who kept bombarding me with questions and munching biscuits in between. When I was a kid,my mom used to take me in the afternoon too with a bottle of milk and biscuits to keep me going while the adults chose to fast for the day. Well, I hadnt fasted, we merely took a brunch at 11 am.
After the Sleeba vandanam, where one pays obeisance to the Bible/Cross to symbolise the crucifixion and subsequent burial of Christ, I found our seats outside taken by the early birds and I decided to venture into the church which, contrary to my belief, wasnt crowded at all. I guess most of them were sitting/standing outside. It was nice and cool inside, and I sang fervently from the prayerbook in my hand. The GF service leaves a very special feeling, partly because of the nostalgia associated with it - of the days I accompanied my grandmother to the service, taking part in the procession at church barefoot under the merciless sun.
Mira watched in wonder as the priest made the ceremonial procession with the Cross inside the church thrice. And she was donning for the first time a little scarf over her head as young girls do in our churches.
Ash was attending a day service at the church after 2 years - his skin started deteriorating two years ago this time. Now his skin looks pretty okay, though the hair loss in the front does make him look a bit different from other boys his age. He did invite curious glances but not many questions were asked.
But in the night,we noticed that he had developed rashes especially on his back - not sure if it was the heat or the mango pickle (or what he ate when he went out with his dad in the night) but it did give him an itchy night that made us worry if he would revert to his old state. He cant, on a Good Friday he is cleansed in the blood of Christ, right?


ush said...

Good to hear Kids could attend the service. B took the younger ones(E visiting) shar and i stayed back, thanks to allergy, cough.
they went slightly late came by 2. without partaking kanji from church.
they ate the same here.
thinking of chicken stew and appam, briyani.. for today and tom!

ush said...
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