Monday, March 15, 2010

Experiments with colour

Painting the house green, blue and pink this weekend courtesy Asian Paints. The kids' room have green and blue (on one wall), ours purple and pink (yet to be done), and the living room cream, yellowish green and some shade of pink from Dulux Paints. The trend is to have one wall in a dark, contrast color. Some go for different colours for each wall :)

However, to our dismay the Golden Apple yellow we chose for the living cum dining turned out too bright and deep, and we had to do some damage control today by mixing more of white and making it off-white in the process. As the painter men said, colours turn out one shade darker than what the color palette says.

The kids, who we unsuccesfully tried to keep in the bedroom that was spared for now, kept coming out to watch the romance of the walls with the brushes and rollers. They are happy that the house is looking new again, and have shelved demands for a new house. As if buying a new house was as easy as changing a tooth brush!


ush said...

painting the town red?

house looks good

Ladybird said...

:) all but red though.

Trendsetters said...

lovely theme

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back (i.e. making it possible for me to read your blog , rather)!!

Anonymous said...

awesome!! sounds like a lot of fun and cleaning up. :D :D
~ romie :-)

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