Friday, January 15, 2010


and Ash's creations. I jotted down his explanations for a couple of sketches today. (Click inside the pic to get a magnified view.)

1. Fryums (star-shaped papads) that was part of the lunch buffet at Gokulam hotel, Thrissur, on our return journey to Chennai.
2. A spider and its web.
3. Crescent moon and the sun.
4. Electric ray, he watched on a CD yesterday. But he drew this the day before, so he probably just changed the story about the drawing.
5. Chackochi, the biscuit-seller of Changanassery.
6. Ashwin grown tall and cured of his itching, save for the wound on the belly button.
7. A snail he saw at Changanacheri this time.
8. A short Appa, who cant see (no eyes) because he has been watching too much news on TV. Appa's height is his latest concern.
9.Butterfly. 10. Jellyfish sticking to something, yesterday's CD again.
11. Ash - no space for hands. He then changed the story to the dr amputating his arms so that Amma will feed him (dark humor). Itching gone, but one eye is bandaged like Appa's some years back when the sharp edge of a stick came into contact with it.
12. "Bone" in murky water. He calls ghosts/skeletons bone now and has developed a fear for them.
13. Father and mother millipede. They dont have a baby. The baby was eaten by jellyfish.
14. Chackochi, bald and with specs. Don't miss the string on the specs, his latest fascination, ever since he started donning one.
15. Flying ant. 16. Crab and a biting insect.

1. Chackochi and his whiskers, again. 2. Broken TV's wire 3. Scorpion (?) who comes in the night and eats dinosaurs. 5. Small Appa. The black one is his house, while the bigger house is the Scorpion's.


ush said...

nice pic. pl.tell.Ash I liked it and his explaination

Anonymous said...

Future Ravi Varma in the making...!!!
Dear Ash
I'm so happy to see your pictures. They are AWESOME. Even I can't put so many pictures in that piece of paper ( and i'm not good at drawing :=(( )and loved the story behind each picture, especially yours and chackochi's.
Keep drawing ...
Lots of love
aunty thara

dreamrunner said...

awesome. got me smiling and thinking.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, you have an artist on your hands!!! These are precious, priceless, and powerful!
Thanks for sharing! J

ladybird said...

Thanks everybody :D

Anya Padyam said...

Those are really great pictures!
Amazing creativity! That is so cool!!!

A future artist in the making...

mini said...

great sketches! make sure you keep all his sketches.for such a tiny MAN his imagination & insight ---awesome!

Anonymous said...

oh, this is so cute rosh.
so so cute.
love to ash.
- the other romila :-)

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