Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wheezing pixie, tongue-tied fairy

Wheezing seems to be prevalent among most kids born and brought up in the city. Thanks to pollution and part heredity. My kids seem to suffer from wheezing when they have a cold though we dont have a family history of asthma or wheezing. Since wheezing is a part of the eczema package, Ash seems to have it more of late. Especially after the last bout of cold.
The maid is extremely sympathetic as she used to suffer from asthma years ago; she tells me the malady vanished after she took a traditional preparation of wild boar's fat though it transformed her into a very fat person :)
The rainy weather doesnt seem to be agreeing with Ash as he has a flare-up of the eczema and wheezing that makes sleep difficult in the night. The skin has got so bad in this week that he has almost no skin on the cheeks and forehead, only the red layer under. The scalp is oozing too, and hairloss seems imminent. The infection has led to swelling of glands under the chin, on the temples etc.
So we took him to Dr. KT after picking up Mira from school and collecting homework from Ash's teacher. The good dr prescribed an antibiotic and said we might have to give a mild oral steroid if things dont improve in a week's time. He admired Ash's stoicism, and gave him and his sister a lil gift - car and candies - each for Children's Day (Nov. 14, the birthday of our late first Prime Minister endearingly called Chacha Nehru by children).
** The fancy dress competition at the children's school to celebrate Children's Day has been postponed to next Friday owing to the rains. It was to have been held today, and I had reluctantly enrolled Mira to contest as a fairy. Reluctant because the kids are expected to say a couple of lines about the part they are playing, and I dont think Mira will open her mouth or can say a full long sentence in English right now. A friend's kid had imitated Cindrella's fairy godmother and won a prize in her school.
Can any of you give me a couple of easy lines I can make my lil fairy recite?


ush said...

Sorry to hear about ash.. right now it seems the season for cough, flu, wheezing, asthma.. here they all having.
fairy lines.. ask M what she wants to say.. get few lines from her.. and chose the best.. that way she won't feel shy.or u can google for it i suppose.
take care

SM said...

My sister has lived with wheezing all her life and the doctors could never figure out why. We do have asthma on my mom's side of the family but she didn't get that. If you find a cure, let me know. She will be happy to be rid of it.

Anonymous said...

Hey even my daughetr suffers with Atopic dematitis
I have heard about Life force homeopathy treatment office is in bombay if you u can explore if this helps...

prem said...

There is no permanent cure for wheezing. Up to an extent homeo helps but once it gets bad, for speedy recovery you have to take antibiotics which spoils the entire homeo treatment. From my experience I had felt better when i practiced Yoga.The breathing techniques in Yoga really helps you.

Ladybird said...

ok, didnt know u had wheezing. even with ayurveda, they say that reverting to allopathy in between spoils the effect of the former. here we have to do it when Ash develops fever, swelling of glands etc.

ush said...

rosh,i think what prem say s about yoga is good.
B has been asked to do that for his broco health issues.. I agree with having to do some simple breathing exercise helping.
take care

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