Monday, September 14, 2009

Winners & losers

The Kiddies Sports Meet at my children's school held no surprises. My kids won no prizes. In fact, Mira came in last in the "Mary had a little lamb" event (no, I didnt ask the teacher to put her in that, just a coincidence!) she participated. She was supposed to walk to school with a lamb made out of thermocol in a cute-looking outfit (hats off to the teachers and their assistants who painstakingly created all the necessary costumes and paper spiders and lambs and so on). If it were a prize for the best catwalk (annanada, as we would say in Malayalam), Mira might have won a prize.
From sports 09

Ash was in a group event, "Passing the hat", and got out midway through the game because he didnt lift his hand after dropping the hat on the head next to his when the music stopped. Some kids were smarter and would drop the hat on the next head even after the music stopped.
From sports 09

Many kids had no idea what competition meant and looked confused as they took part in a race or decided to stop on their tracks half way. Some kids - the brighter, smarter, more mature ones - had their parents goading them to perform well.
I wish I had managed a picture of Mira walking in last at her event!

1 comment:

Anya Padyam said...

nice pictures... its nice to see such fun games for the little ones!

have a nice day,

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