Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Schizophrenic mom

Ash missed school today for the strangest reason - he/I forgot to take his schoolbag along. While the father-son thought I would follow them with the bag as usual, a harried me (following a sermon from the hubby for missing the housing loan EMI deadline) thought I heard the father asking the son to take it. At the second red signal, I discovered that Ash did not have it. So, after giving me a lecture and and an advice to see a doctor about my failing memory and madness, V took a u-turn and headed home.
Which was a sad thing because Ash had woken up early without any effort from our part. Which is not the case with Mira, who we have to prod and plead and threaten and bully (by sprinkling water on her sleeping face or forcibly lifting her from the bed) for a full 15 minutes.
But he must have been tired for he went back to sleep soon after returning home. His sleepless nights continue though he doesnt trouble us much with his itching.
** I am reading Paulo Coelho's Veronika decides to Die. Though a small book, it is not an easy read unlike his latest book The Winner Stands Alone. There must be a Veronika in many of us and in me too. When life sets into a pattern and boredom seeps in, we yearn to be set free of this life's and this world's yoke.
p.s. If you find the blog silent for a long time - say 1-2 months - you may assume that I have finally been shifted to a mental asylum.


Anya Padyam said...

I am sure that won't happen - mental asylum, I mean!:)

Happens to everyone...

Anonymous said...

I liked the bit about being a schizophrenic ... well please do join the club. I do believe there is a fine line bt'n being sane and insane....what you feel right now is stress I guess.. been there done that ..so trust me. Once the kids are bit more independent you feel less stressed & world will be much more better place.

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